Many have asked: "What do I get with #WeldEye?" Our answer: #WeldEye gives you peace of mind #Kemppi #Andyouknow #SmartSummitAsia
Discover the total #IoT welder #KemppiX8 with digital wps feature, #weldeye compatibility #smartsummitasia #kemppi
Integrate #WeldEye with existing fleet, as the #software has universal connectivity with any #welding equipment #SmartSummitAsia #Kemppi
@rantaans "Customers can actually track added value thus making everything more transparent" #weldeye #smartsummitasia
RT @KemppiRashmi: Presenting Future Trends : IoT #weldeye #insightcreatesvalue at CII Welding Conference, Mumbai.
Did you know that #KemppiX8 works in sync with #WeldEye? Read more at #Kemppi #Andyouknow
RT @tuomaskivisaari: #WeldEye Gives You the Chance to Up Your Game #digitalization #Kemppi via @@IndustrialPrime
@TeresaKV We embraced #digitalization with the help of visionary top management and new acquired expertise. Patience is key to all change.
RT @TampereenMessut: Iso peukku: asiakkaamme @Kemppi_Welding on teollisen internetin hyödyntämisen edelläkävijä via @KauppalehtiFihttps://…
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Many have asked: "What do I get with #WeldEye?" Our answer: #WeldEye gives you peace of mind #Kemppi #Andyouknow #SmartSummitAsia
Discover the total #IoT welder #KemppiX8 with digital wps feature, #weldeye compatibility #smartsummitasia #kemppi
Integrate #WeldEye with existing fleet, as the #software has universal connectivity with any #welding equipment #SmartSummitAsia #Kemppi
@rantaans "Customers can actually track added value thus making everything more transparent" #weldeye #smartsummitasia
RT @KemppiRashmi: Presenting Future Trends : IoT #weldeye #insightcreatesvalue at CII Welding Conference, Mumbai.
Did you know that #KemppiX8 works in sync with #WeldEye? Read more at #Kemppi #Andyouknow
RT @tuomaskivisaari: #WeldEye Gives You the Chance to Up Your Game #digitalization #Kemppi via @@IndustrialPrime
@TeresaKV We embraced #digitalization with the help of visionary top management and new acquired expertise. Patience is key to all change.
RT @TampereenMessut: Iso peukku: asiakkaamme @Kemppi_Welding on teollisen internetin hyödyntämisen edelläkävijä via @KauppalehtiFihttps://…