Code of Conduct
Kemppi's Code of Conduct sets out the key principles by which we should all act everywhere, both personally and as a company. It guides our operations in practice and contains all the principles that every employee in Kemppi must follow throughout the organization. It also defines how we manage our business relationships with customers, business partners, employees, and other stakeholders. It tells our stakeholders and the communities in which we operate who we are and how we operate.
Everyone must ensure that they understand how the Code of Conduct applies to their work and act accordingly. If you have any questions about any of the topics covered in this Code of Conduct, please contact your supervisor or a member of the Global Management Team.
Our Code of Conduct is based on our values of people, courage, integrity, and success. The Code of Conduct makes our values a concrete part of our daily operations and decision-making.
Kemppi's Values
The values of Kemppi are as follows:
- People. We are a technology company driven by people. A winning team is made by working together, and there should always be joy in work! A strong value base is the foundation of our success.
- Courage. Being a forerunner requires us to have the courage to question current practices and to try the new and unknown. We learn from the past to create a better future. We have the courage to speak our minds and to face challenges that seem impossible.
- Integrity. We always act with integrity and keep our promises. For us, integrity means responsibility, continuity, and honesty toward all our stakeholders. We act in accordance with high moral standards and the principles of sustainability.
- Success. Challenging goals and the will to deliver motivate us to perform well. We do everything we can to help our customers succeed. The desire to succeed and grow inspires us to achieve even better results.
Sustainability is at the heart of our operations. We have the ISO9001 standard in use, guiding our operations. Ethical culture and doing the right thing are part of our daily business. Ethical culture and sustainability are also differentiating factors for our company when operating in global markets. By doing the right thing, we will strengthen stakeholder confidence in us, build long-term partnerships, create value for our shareholders, and remain an attractive employer.
- We comply with laws and principles on ethical business practices. We always act in accordance with the law and the regulations that apply to our business. In addition to applicable law, we comply with generally accepted ethical standards. We also expect our business partners and suppliers to share and comply with these same ethical standards.
- We respect the protection of privacy. We respect privacy and the protection of personal data, whether it is the personal data of employees, business partners, job applicants, or customers. We collect, process, and store personal data only for the permitted purposes in accordance with applicable legislation. The implementation of data protection at Kemppi is the responsibility of everyone working for Kemppi.
- We do not tolerate discrimination or harassment and treat people with respect. We maintain a working environment where people are valued and treated with respect. We do not discriminate or treat employees or job applicants unfairly in matters of hiring, training, recruitment, promotion, wages, and compensation, or other aspects of employment. We have zero tolerance for sexual harassment, bullying, and other intimidation. We do not use or support child or forced labor.
- We strive to provide our employees with a working environment free from harassment and other offensive or disrespectful behavior. Harassment is any unwanted verbal, visual, physical, or other type of activity that creates an intimidating, offensive or hostile working environment.
- We support safety and well-being at work. We never compromise the safety of our employees. We ensure that our employees have a safe working environment that supports their well-being. We are all responsible for promoting safety and well-being in the workplace. This is best achieved by following common guidelines and by promptly reporting any safety incidents. In addition to physical safety, we aim to promote the mental well-being and health of our employees.
- We value diversity. In our view, diversity consists of the individual characteristics of each person: personality, lifestyle, work experience, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religion, gender, age, nationality, skills, and other characteristics. We strive to promote diversity in recruitment and when developing and engaging our staff at all levels of the organization. We strive to ensure an inclusive working environment where individual qualities are valued as strengths.
- We respect the freedom of association of our employees. We respect our employees' right to belong to and participate in associations in accordance with existing legislation.
Responsible Decision-making
Management and staff must take responsibility for the choices they make. Personal interest must never take precedence over Kemppi. Our success depends on our reputation, and it is the responsibility of all of us to look after it. By acting in a transparent, open and respectful manner, we ensure that we remain the design leader in arc welding, delivering our full offering of advanced products, digital solutions, and services to professionals from industrial welding companies to individual contractors, whose approach is valued by partners, investors, and employees alike.
We do not accept or give bribes. The gifts and hospitality we give and receive always support a clear business objective. Gifts’ value is reasonable, and they are appropriate to the nature of the business relationship. Employees must not give or receive gifts or other benefits that could influence business decisions or have significant personal or financial value.
We avoid conflicts of interest, and all decisions and transactions must be made in the best interests of the company. Decisions must not be based on individual interests. We treat friends and family like any other business partner, and our personal relationships must not influence our decisions. We must identify and avoid conflicts of interest and refrain from taking decisions that involve or may involve a conflict of interest. We immediately report any circumstances that may be perceived as a conflict of interest to the supervisor and resolve the matter in the best interests of the company.
Kemppi has zero tolerance for corruption. The company complies with all relevant anti-corruption laws in all jurisdictions in which it operates.
We are committed to fair competition, which means competing honestly, fairly, and in accordance with applicable laws. All our employees must comply with the law, including competition laws, regulations, and internal guidelines. We respect intellectual property and confidential information.
Responsibility Towards Shareholders
A responsible approach protects shareholder value. Each Kemppi employee is responsible for respecting the company's information, intellectual property rights, and assets in order to remain a reliable target of investment.
We protect the company's assets from theft, misuse, loss, and damage. The company's assets include physical assets such as equipment, machinery, premises, raw materials, components, finished products, vehicles, and other company assets. The company's assets also include intangible assets such as confidential information, intellectual property rights (patents and trademarks), and information systems. We also apply the same practices to information disclosed to us by our customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. All employees must ensure the confidentiality of documents, contracts, business secrets, and internal information. Information about the company must not be disclosed without a clear reason or need.
We do not condone, promote, or support money laundering. We comply with laws and good practices to prevent and detect money laundering and to report all money laundering incidents and suspicious transactions.
We communicate responsibly and our financial and other communications are of high quality. Kemppi will not comment on confidential business transactions, competitors' affairs, customer relationships, contracts, or any other customer transactions without the customer's consent.
We do not support political activities, political parties or organizations, including the election campaigns of individual candidates.
Employees and Management
The following is expected of every Kemppi employee:
- Read and follow the Code of Conduct.
- Be transparent in your actions and decision-making.
- Do not use your position, company property or contracts for your own benefit.
- Raise your concerns about breaches of the Code of Conduct and internal guidelines.
- While working, you must not use or be under the influence of alcohol, inhalants, or drugs.
- Ask your supervisor or a member of the Global Management Team for advice in situations where you are not sure how you should act.
- Report any suspected or actual violations of the Code of Conduct to your own supervisor, Human Recources, the internal auditor, CFO, or through the whistleblowing channel:
Each Kemppi supervisor is expected to comply with all of the above. In addition, do the following:
- Set a good example.
- Promote a good atmosphere where team members dare to voice their concerns.
- Discuss the Code of Conduct with your team, in particular the sections relevant to daily work.
- Listen carefully, try to answer or find answers to questions and concerns about the Code of Conduct. Ask for help if you need it.
- The supervisor has a responsibility to address behavior that violates the Code of Conduct
- Report any suspected or actual violations of the Code of Conduct to the internal auditor, CFO or through the whistleblowing channel:
Compliance with the Code of Conduct
Kemppi’s Global Management Team and supervisors are responsible for implementing and communicating the Code of Conduct. Each employee is personally responsible for implementing the Code of Conduct in their daily work. The Global Management Team and supervisors are responsible for complying with the Code of Conduct in daily work and in its monitoring.
We encourage employees to contact supervisors or members of the Global Management Team in cases of doubt.
Any suspected or actual violations of the Code of Conduct must be reported to your supervisor, the internal auditor, CFO, or anonymously through the whistleblowing channel.
Disciplinary action may be taken for violations of the Code of Conduct or failure to report a violation. A report made in good faith will not result in any adverse consequences for the person reporting. All reports of violations of the Code of Conduct made in good faith will be carefully and independently processed. Reports of violations are treated in strict confidence, while protecting the person reporting.
The Code of Conduct has been approved by the Board of Directors of Kemppi Oy and will be updated as necessary.