Reduced Gap Technology (RGT)

Rethink the joint design principles

Intelligent narrow gap welding

Challenge: Are demanding tasks eating up your profits?

The conventional narrow gap welding can be applied with most welding processes, but it has its disadvantages: It requires exceptional skills from welders and is practically impossible without special equipment. In addition, setting up these systems is time-consuming and therefore reasonable only with very thick materials.

Forget the conventional joint design principles. The game has changed.


Reducing the groove angle can add significantly to the efficiency and productivity of welding of heavy metal structures. Kemppi has developed a new solution, Reduced Gap Technology (RGT). This technology allows reliable and efficient narrow gap welding with no need for special equipment or accessories for material thicknesses of up to 30 mm. The RGT combines intelligent arc control with Kemppi's high-tech power source, wire feeder and mechanization equipment.


Groove angle instead of 45°– 60°


Savings in arc time


Savings in filler material and energy


Weld passes needed instead of 7

Start profiting immediately

The investment costs of RGT are exceptionally low, since no special narrow gap equipment is needed in welding with material thicknesses up to 30 mm.

Perform the welding work faster, profit more

RGT enables smaller groove volume which yields significant cost savings through reductions in welding time, energy, and filler-material consumption.

Weld easier

Thanks to RGT, the arc length is always stable. Since the user doesn’t need to adjust it, there is less hassle and the arc time ratio is higher.

Don't spend your profit on rework

RGT minimizes heat input, which improves impact toughness especially with high-strength steels and reduces deformation, so there is less need for straightening.

How could you benefit from Reduced Gap Technology?

Download a free white paper with detailed calculations and a pWPS

Learn the principle of the Kemppi RGT control system and see the savings potential through detailed calculations, illustrated by a preliminary WPS.

Welding work has gained speed, because the groove volume and the number of beads to be welded have decreased. Also less filler material is needed. Mechanization has also improved the arc time ratio and made the welds more consistent in quality.

Niko Rautiainen, Hull Production Manager, Arctech

Update your equipment to Reduced Gap Technology

Kemppi RGT is available for Kemppi’s X5 FastMig, Master M 358, AX MIG Welder, and X8 MIG Welder welding machines equipped with the WisePenetration and WiseFusion application software.

If you have a compatible Kemppi welding machine, but not yet the application software required for RGT, you are always able to update your system. The Wise software is easy to purchase and install.

Examples of solutions compatible with RGT

X5 FastMig

X5 FastMig

360-degree modular multi-process welder primarily focuses on high-performance MIG/MAG welding. X5 FastMig offers setup options for manual, synergic, and pulse welding. A wide range of accessories brings flexibility and efficiency to welding production processes.

X8 MIG Welder

X8 MIG Welder

Advanced system equipment for demanding industrial MIG/MAG welding with an upgradeable power source up to 600 A.

The X8 MIG Welder is a multi-process welding solution that redefines welding performance and usability. It includes a digital WPS feature.

AX MIG Welder

AX MIG Welder

The Kemppi AX MIG Welder brings powerful performance and maximum productivity potential to your robotic welding system. Enjoy easy integration and ensure repeatable, high-quality welds with high-performance arc welding applications.

Master M

Master M

Master M is a compact welding machine that combines premium welding performance with excellent usability and fast set-up, offering a compact but powerful MIG/MAG welder for manual, synergic, and pulse MIG welding.

Read about Reduced Gap Technology (RGT) in our blog, Welding Value


Technical specifications